
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Deep Breaths

Well, hello there!

Thanks for sticking around considering I've been a bit quiet lately. You see, I just finished my edits. YAY!!!
And it's summer, which means things are rather busy around Shariland. But I did get a chance to crawl out of the hole I've been hiding in for the last two months and go to this.

It was pretty cool hearing all those stories. I got to meet Nova Ren Suma and catch a snippet from her book Imaginary Girls, which I have to read now that I, um, can.
As well as Tara Altebrando whose books I absolutely love! What Happens Here is one of my favorites. That night she was reading from her newest book Dreamland Social Club which I read before my edits arrived! GO get it!
Everyone did a great job with their readings and my TBR pile is no longer resembling a pile, it's more like a rather large being that eats up the space in my bedroom.

AND!!! I finally got to hang out with my amazing critique partner, Susanne Winnacker, who was visiting from Germany.

AND!! While we were standing there one of the fabulous Apocalypsies wandered up and it was Leanna Renee Hieber whose book Darker Still: A Novel of Magic Most Foul is out November 1st!

(from left to right) Susanne Winnacker, Leanna Renee Hieber, me

Altogether it was a pretty amazing day!


  1. Congrats on finishing edits & meeting some wonderful Apocalypsies! I wish we all lived closer or had unlimited time & wealth to travel and meet up wherever we wanted, preferably somewhere tropical!

  2. Heather- Thanks!

    Eve- Wouldn't that be nice! I'm in.
