And for some of us Fall no longer means new clothes, early morning alarm clocks and newly sharpened pencils.
Here in CT we've had a very long and hot summer. It began in early April and probably won't end until late September. Now I'm not complaining. BELIEVE ME! But I do love Fall. Even though when I was younger right around the fourth of July I would start feeling a bit anxious. School was looming. And I really didn't enjoy school. Especially high school. I'm not one for playing by the rules. Not that I break them...I just don't like anyone telling me how it is.
And I really wanted to like school. I remember sitting in class thinking, this is so interesting! I could sit here and learn about _____ all day! But ultimately I would end up talking myself out of going to class. I know. I was a slacker.
So. I know you're all wondering why I would want to write YA books if I hated high school so much. It's definitely not so I could still experience all of those late-for-school nightmares. I'm pretty sure I would get those even if my mind didn't pretend to be a seventeen-year-old girl's.
The answer to that question is a whole other post. But in case you can't wait here's a short answer: you write what you read. See. I told you it was short.
Mockingjay comes out tomorrow! T O M O R R O W!!! For those of you still under that've got to read Hunger Games first. I pro
MOCKING JAY!!!!! WOOT WOOT! I liked your post it is good to know that life isn't always going to be high school.