So I hope you all enjoyed last weeks music selection! I know I did!
Today we're going to feature a band I've never seen live. Crazy. I know!
However, they were truly inspirational while I was working on Book 2.
I listened to Local Natives over and over again while I was working out some important details such as plot, character development and oh yeah! romance. All very important elements when throwing together 77,000 words.
The best thing about "writing music" is that it adds to the story going on inside your head without intruding upon what's going on inside your head.
Yeah. That.
So now everyone go on out and give this band a listen. Cause I said so.
In other news I'm still out on submission. Both books are still out in that place I like to refer to as What If-land, a land where everything we want in life floats just out of reach. Some days I like this land, it gives me goosebumps and a jittery stomach, while other days I curse it and do my best to pretend it doesn't exist.
I've decided to be optimistic. For most of my life I've believed without a doubt that I was capable. Capable of anything.
Yeah. So I'm going with that.
The brainstorming is coming along. Every opportunity I have my mind is working working working.
Yesterday while driving home with the Adventures of Pooh playing in the backseat I didn't yell, "Tiggers are wonderful things!" at the appropriate time.
So. Progress.
I have a new TV obsession. (Which isn't exactly helping with the brainstorming.)
My husband and I have started watching Friday Night Lights. We've been streaming it on Netflix. 18 episodes in I'm hooked. And I don't even like football. Thank goodness there really isn't a whole lot of football in the show. Although, husband seems to have issue with that.
Oh! And right now it is raining and the trees are no longer Summer green.
Fall has arrived.
Happy writing!
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